Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ahh. This is the Life

Okay, so, my relief unit is in place, good to go, and I ahould be home in two weeks. Or so so one might think. as it turns out I was told two days ago that I would be here for four more months. No hard feelings though, that's the kind of news you want to hear when you have been sitting in an old mans house that you commandeered for eight days. Eating nothing but MRE's and steak.

A strange pair, the MRE and the steak. One is disgusting and I get sick every time I eat them(good for my figure hat way), the other is a huge delicious piece of beef. We ate MRE's for 5 days in that mans house. Then our Command Sergeant Major sent out 192 steaks for about 45 men. If you do the math, that is 4.37 or so steaks each. We could not keep the food so we cooked them all that day. Everybody ate one or two. I however, had to defend my manhood when I was challenged to a steak eating contest by a private who thoght he could secure the platoon fat boy title once and for all. I spanked him like a naughty 2 year old. He only manged a mere eight stesks to my ten, that I ate faster than he could finish his. I am still the skinniest fat boy in town at 145 pounds and able to eat 120 ounces of poorly cooked beef.

That was kind of an irrelevent story I guess, but it's my Blog so screw you, I do what I want. Nobody reads ths crap anyway.
Hey , got to go,

Four more months means 3 more blog entries, fun for you,