Sunday, May 14, 2006

What's wrong with America

I've been ranting about this for a few weeks to my soldiers, and I think they are getting sick of it, so I'll bother anybody else I can with this. The word must get out.

So there I was, in the Port-a-John, pooing in a trash bag like I do every couple of days(I know that's crude but I have to set the scene), when I look down and see an issue of Tiger Beat Magazine. While I am curious to know what twenty something Infantryman would bring that nonsense to a war, it is not the issue at hand.

As I read(out of sheer morbid curiosity), I began to see what it is that makes me hate the younger generation of Americans and all the things they say, do and think.

This magazine doesn't just encourage the idolization of media icons, it brainwashes kids into it with trendy phrases and abbreviations like OMG, LOL and LMAO. And they only talk about the most shallow actors and the crappiest, most money chasing musicians(term used loosely).

Parents are now raising a generation of kids that would rather follow the "carrier" of Good Charlotte than try to understand anything real that is happening with the world, because, OMG they are so cute LOL!

Grow a brain America! I'm fighting a war for you, the least you could do is take five minutes away from that travesty called MTV, and watch CNN and acknowledge that there are bigger things going on.

I'm too angry to go on.

Damn you Tiger Beat, you should be ashamed.

To be continued



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