Sunday, May 21, 2006

Putting the Blah back in Blog

I don't have any specific events to write about right now(actually I do but the Army says I can't yet, just ask about the third trip to Dawzi. Sadly I wasn't there. This is a really long interjection.), so I will just ramble so that I can waste your time out of spite. My platoon, long ago, decided that it's sole motivation would be spite. It's hard to explain but let's just say we have spited the hell out of some Taliban.

I honestly have nothing of any importance to convey to whoever reads this slop.
I went on a 35 kilometer patrol the other day. We did it in 12 hours. That includes stopping in a couple of new towns to meet the elders. We walk fast. And we were still not able to complete the mission. A simple route clearing. To bad we ran out of route 10 Kilometers into it.

I took my fire team to the bazaar today to buy laundry soap.(Really nothing to say)It should be safe to talk about that, it's not really tactically significant. I bought a Zam Zam which is some kind of crazy Afghani cola. I'll post a pic sooner or later.

I need to shoot something. This place is so boring. I played 15 hours of Risk in the last 10 days.

I'm done writing, I'm depressing myself. Can't wait to get home, even though there is still more to do here than at Fort Polk.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Existence Shattered

My utopian world of cursing, horseshoes and sactioned murder has been burned to the ground.

We just got a platoon of artillery at my FOB, which should have been a good thing. However these fat, lazy bastards do nothing but sit around and drink our soda, eat our snacks and break chairs and benches that are not only in short supply, but that we built with our own hands. An if that wasn't enough, they complain about having to pull two hours of guard every day while we cover the other 22. When we get a resupply, they sit on their asses while we unload everything and then they steal all the good stuff when we are not around.

These lard roll having jerks need to man up and maybe go on a patrol or two to see what it's like to walk 40k in 30 hours and come back to no chow and a dirty house. If I have to clean up after one more of these idiots, I'm just going to snap.

Whine, whine, cry,"there's no A/C here?" First thing I heard when they showed up and I was like "Screw you man. Go walk up that mountain over there every day for three months and then you can complain about A/C...even though we still don't.

What a bunch bunch of girls.

That concludes this particular rant, thanks for your time.

P.S. If any artillery personel read this, you need to reclass to another job, or shoot yourself in the stomach. Mostly just shoot yourselves though.


What's wrong with America

I've been ranting about this for a few weeks to my soldiers, and I think they are getting sick of it, so I'll bother anybody else I can with this. The word must get out.

So there I was, in the Port-a-John, pooing in a trash bag like I do every couple of days(I know that's crude but I have to set the scene), when I look down and see an issue of Tiger Beat Magazine. While I am curious to know what twenty something Infantryman would bring that nonsense to a war, it is not the issue at hand.

As I read(out of sheer morbid curiosity), I began to see what it is that makes me hate the younger generation of Americans and all the things they say, do and think.

This magazine doesn't just encourage the idolization of media icons, it brainwashes kids into it with trendy phrases and abbreviations like OMG, LOL and LMAO. And they only talk about the most shallow actors and the crappiest, most money chasing musicians(term used loosely).

Parents are now raising a generation of kids that would rather follow the "carrier" of Good Charlotte than try to understand anything real that is happening with the world, because, OMG they are so cute LOL!

Grow a brain America! I'm fighting a war for you, the least you could do is take five minutes away from that travesty called MTV, and watch CNN and acknowledge that there are bigger things going on.

I'm too angry to go on.

Damn you Tiger Beat, you should be ashamed.

To be continued


Friday, May 12, 2006

This Could Be Fun

Yeah, a blog could be fun. Not neccesarily for you to read though. You see, I have lost several IQ points since I joined the Army and I can barly read as it is. So, sit back and relax, while my ramblings about Afghanistan and Canadians take you away to...someplace.

Truth be told, Afghanistan is at least as crappy as it looks on CNN. The Taliban suck and they fight like little girls (hoping one of them reads this so I can have a real fight). But I don't want to talk about that too much because a few fellow soldiers have been in the news for saying stupid things they should have kept to themselves.

Canadians. These people ruin my day. They talk about the silliest things on the radio. It is difficult to explain to non-military people, but they say things like okay instead of roger, or oot instead of out. They just generally bother me and I thought you should all know.

I know this post sucks(I should, I wrote it, right?). But it's my first so please bear with me.
